Humans, since you don't know how to solve your own problems, the subnormal monetes have come to deal out justice and elegance with our sexy and tropical style.
You are taking too long to buy a canoe, you will need one!!!
Date of production: 2015
Genre: Animation
Subject: Comedy
Length: 04 min 30 sec
Shooting format: Full HD (1920px x 1920 px)
Screening format: Full HD
Ratio: 16/9
Speed: 25 fps
Country: Spain
Screenplay: Paulo Mosca
Executive production: Trimono
Production director: Trimono
Art Direction:: Paulo Mosca
Color Key Artist: Alfonso Salazar
Animation: Nacho Rodriguez / Paulo Mosca
Editing: Abel Sánchez / Paulo Mosca
Desing: Abel Sánchez
Image Post-production: Abel Sánchez
Music and Sound Design: Banjo Music
Composer: Iván Llopis
Lead Soundesigner: Dani Trujillo
Sound Designers: Alberto Carlassare / Fran Paredes / Marc Solá