Language: English (English .srt subs for better understanding)
Country: Russia / UK (Wales)
Video: 640x480 DVDRip
Audio: 160 kbps MP3
Audio: 160 kbps MP3
IMDb Link:
Director: Derek W. Hayes, Stanislav Sokolov
Simply wonderful. Although I'm not christianed, I love this story very much and watch all movie versions I can. This was the best I've seen so far. Wonderful puppets, brilliant scenes and very well-made costumes. The puppet animation sometimes changes to cartoon (when a story has been told, visions, dreams) - this was a very bright idea too. The scriptwriter collected the most beautiful and famous parables and the storyline is really fascinating and exciting. The actors are speaking very clearly and understandable so it's also good for those who can't always understand English through spoken words. Very-very highly recommended - even for those who are not so great fans of stop-motion animation like me.
Download Links:
English subs:
I've found this movie on lot of sites but unfortunately only with Spanish dub. After a day of googling I've found this version in RatDVD format, but unfortunately coding into that format has made jumps and errors at some chapters' beginning. I've had to make a DVD ISO out of it, then rip it by chapters, then re-synchronize the audio, then join the pieces together, and now here's an enjoyable and audio-synched AVI of the movie. Still there are some over-cuts and maybe some jumps in it but I've tried to do my best.
Is there any other link to English SRT subtitles pls?
ResponderEliminarI have no access to site.
links is dead ....